//****************************************************************************** // MSP430xG46x Demo - Timer_B, Toggle P5.1, TBCCR0 Up Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK // // Description: Toggle P5.1 using software and TB_0 ISR. Timer_B is // configured for up mode, thus the timer overflows when TBR counts to TBCCR0. // In this example, TBCCR0 is loaded with 20000. // ACLK = 32.768kHz, MCLK = SMCLK = TACLK = default DCO // // MSP430xG46x // ----------------- // /|\| XIN|- // | | | 32kHz // --|RST XOUT|- // | | // | P5.1|-->LED // // K. Quiring/ M. Mitchell // Texas Instruments Inc. // October 2006 // Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.41A //****************************************************************************** #include void main(void) { volatile unsigned int i; WDTCTL = WDTPW+WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT FLL_CTL0 |= XCAP14PF; // Configure load caps // Wait for xtal to stabilize do { IFG1 &= ~OFIFG; // Clear OSCFault flag for (i = 0x47FF; i > 0; i--); // Time for flag to set } while ((IFG1 & OFIFG)); // OSCFault flag still set? P5DIR |= 0x002; // P5.1 output TBCCTL0 = CCIE; // TBCCR0 interrupt enabled TBCCR0 = 20000; // TBCTL = TBSSEL_2+MC_1; // SMCLK, up mode _BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE); // CPU off, interrupts enabled } // Timer B0 interrupt service routine -- Toggle P5.1 #pragma vector=TIMERB0_VECTOR __interrupt void Timer_B (void) { P5OUT ^= 0x02; // Toggle P5.1 }