//****************************************************************************** // MSP430xG461x Demo - USCI_B0 I2C Master Interface to PCF8574, Read/Write // // Description: I2C communication with a PCF8574 in read and write mode is // demonstrated. PCF8574 port P is configured with P0-P3 input, P4-P7. Read // P0-P3 input data is written back to Port P4-P7. This example uses the // RX ISR and generates an I2C restart condition while switching from // master receiver to master transmitter. // ACLK = 32kHz, MCLK = SMCLK = TACLK = BRCLK = 1MHz // // MSP430xG461x // ----------------- // /|\ /|\ /|\| XIN|- // 10k 10k | | | 32kHz // PCF8574 | | --|RST XOUT|- // --------- | | | | // --->|P0 SDA|<-|---+---->|P3.1/UCB0SDA | // --->|P1 | | | | // --->|P2 | | | | // --->|P3 SCL|<-+---------|P3.2/UCB0SCL | // <---|P4 | | | // <---|P5 | | | // <---|P6 | | | // <---|P7 | | | // +--|A0,A1,A2 | | | // | | | | | // \|/ // // Andreas Dannenberg/ M. Mitchell // Texas Instruments Inc. // October 2006 // Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.41A //****************************************************************************** #include "msp430xG46x.h" unsigned char i=0; void main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop Watchdog Timer P3SEL |= 0x06; // Assign I2C pins to USCI_B0 UCB0CTL1 |= UCSWRST; // Enable SW reset UCB0CTL0 = UCMST + UCMODE_3 + UCSYNC; // I2C Master, synchronous mode UCB0CTL1 = UCSSEL_2 + UCSWRST; // Use SMCLK, keep SW reset UCB0BR0 = 11; // fSCL = SMCLK/11 = 95.3kHz UCB0BR1 = 0; UCB0I2CSA = 0x20; // Set slave address UCB0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; // Clear SW reset, resume operation IE2 |= UCB0RXIE; // Enable RX interrupt TACCTL0 = CCIE; // TACCR0 interrupt enabled TACTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_2; // SMCLK, contmode while (1) { __bis_SR_register(CPUOFF + GIE); // CPU off, interrupts enabled UCB0CTL1 &= ~UCTR; // I2C RX UCB0CTL1 |= UCTXSTT; // I2C start condition while (UCB0CTL1 & UCTXSTT); // Loop until I2C STT is sent UCB0CTL1 |= UCTR+UCTXSTT; // I2C TX, start condition __bis_SR_register(CPUOFF + GIE); // CPU off, interrupts enabled while (UCB0CTL1 & UCTXSTT); // Loop until I2C STT is sent UCB0CTL1 |= UCTXSTP; // I2C stop condition after 1st TX } } #pragma vector = TIMERA0_VECTOR __interrupt void TA0_ISR(void) { __bic_SR_register_on_exit(CPUOFF); // Exit LPM0 } // USCI_B0 Data ISR #pragma vector = USCIAB0TX_VECTOR __interrupt void USCIAB0TX_ISR(void) { UCB0TXBUF = (UCB0RXBUF << 4) | 0x0f; // Move RX data to TX __bic_SR_register_on_exit(CPUOFF); // Exit LPM0 }