Between 1995 and 2007 I worked at CSEM where I managed and executed several high-precision mechatronics projects for astrophysics et space applications. A few are outlined hereafter.

High-precision hexapods

  • Hexapod mechanisms for astronomical telescopes: VLTI ATS, VISTA

ESO ATS M2 hexapod

High-precision other parallel mechanisms

  • EMIR-GTC detector translation unit

Tip-tilt and chopping mechanisms

  • Secondary mirror unit of the SOFIA airborne astronomical 2-m telescope
  • Secondary mirror mechanism for the GRANTECAN 10.8-m astronomical telescope

Space robotics

  • End-effector design for the EUROBOT (ESA) space robot

Active vibration reduction systems

SOFIA M2 Assembly

Cryogenic (80K) gripper

GTC M2 Drive


Page last modified on 01 April 2009 à 21h30